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ON THE WHALE ROAD, a sailing vessel’s research crew follows the Hwaelweg –the path of the whale – through the South Pacific along the old whalers line. A decade after whaling has been banned, the expedition searches to see if any whales are left at all. Based on a true tale of the voyage, WHALE ROAD embraces magical realism in a story told to an unborn child, in which a sailor falls off a cliff and turns into an albatross and a pod of female sperm whales chase the setting sun.




IN THE JELLYFISH DREAMING (Volume 1), beside the Atlantic-Coast-that-was, hard Fisher people from a dozen races and places fetch up in the Trash Cafe, last stop before the Great Garbage Ocean. The ocean coughs up jellyfish and plastic rubbish these days. But Jack remembers things no one else does, like birds and frogs. The lonely, 200-year-old teenager never quite makes it to adulthood before resetting, like the immortal jellyfish Turitopsis.


Volume 2 in the JELLYFISH SERIES


In which Jellyfish Jack tells Joon the story of his 200-year journey

before they met; of riding a Great Wave, a Ghost Bison, and

being ridden by the Trickster God Coyote, cross-country to where 20 percent of

the world's fresh water freezes while he sleeps. Buried under tons of

snow, Jack climbs out through a chimney and joins a friend to ice

sail, sail-skate, and hang-glide into a lighting battle.


“THE ART OF LYING — Or Risking the Wrath of Oprah”

Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction
Michigan State University Press
Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2008
pp. 147-151